Assimp  v3.0 (July 2012)
assimp Directory Reference


directory  Compiler


file  ai_assert.h
file  anim.h
 Defines the data structures in which the imported animations are returned.
file  camera.h
 Defines the aiCamera data structure.
file  cexport.h
 Defines the C-API for the Assimp export interface.
file  cfileio.h
file  cimport.h
file  color4.h
file  color4.inl
file  config.h
 Defines constants for configurable properties for the library.
file  DefaultLogger.hpp
file  defs.h
file  Exporter.hpp
file  Importer.hpp
file  importerdesc.h
 aiImporterFlags, aiImporterDesc implementation.
file  IOStream.hpp
file  IOSystem.hpp
file  light.h
 Defines the aiLight data structure.
file  Logger.hpp
 Abstract base class 'Logger', base of the logging system.
file  LogStream.hpp
file  material.h
 Defines the material system of the library.
file  material.inl
file  matrix3x3.h
 Definition of a 3x3 matrix, including operators when compiling in C++.
file  matrix3x3.inl
file  matrix4x4.h
 4x4 matrix structure, including operators when compiling in C++
file  matrix4x4.inl
file  mesh.h
 Declares the data structures in which the imported geometry is returned by ASSIMP: aiMesh, aiFace and aiBone data structures.
file  NullLogger.hpp
file  postprocess.h
 Definitions for import post processing steps.
file  ProgressHandler.hpp
file  quaternion.h
 Quaternion structure, including operators when compiling in C++.
file  quaternion.inl
file  scene.h
file  texture.h
 Defines texture helper structures for the library.
file  types.h
 Basic data types and primitives, such as vectors or colors.
file  vector2.h
file  vector2.inl
file  vector3.h
file  vector3.inl
file  version.h